领先的日本设施管理公司使用 Scrubber 50 Pro 优化医院清洁工作



日本领先的设施管理公司Nihon Environment Management Co., Ltd.在清洁Saiseikai Kano医院时面临多项挑战。

该医院(原名Kazo医院)于2022年6月迁址并重新开业,作为拥有304张床位的地区医疗支持核心医院,提供先进和紧急医疗服务。自重新开业以来,Nihon Environment Management一直负责该医院的一般管理和设施维护。



Gausium Automated floor scrubber 50 at hospital lobby

为了克服上述挑战并提升清洁工作的效率和数字化水平,Nihon Environment Management决定引入Scrubber 50 Pro商用清洁机器人。

Scrubber 50 Pro由高仙机器人开发,是一款采用人工智能技术的先进机器人洗地机。它配备了最先进的自主导航系统以及一系列传感器,包括激光雷达、激光传感器、3D深度相机和RGB相机。这使得机器人能够绘制设施地图并在预定时间清洁指定区域。通过高仙APP,可以远程跟踪清洁进度。

Scrubber 50 Pro具有高效的清洁能力,可以显著减轻清洁人员的工作负担。在Kazo医院,它被编程用于清洁一楼和二楼的地面。


  • ≤1,800 平方米/小时 清洁效率
  • 自主导航
  • 远程控制应用程序
  • 可定制清洁计划

Scrubber 50 Pro的引入对Saiseikai Kazo医院来说是一次重大变革。医院工作人员表示,这款机器人是一种可靠的清洁解决方案,他们对结果感到满意。



医院费用管理部门主管铃木茂雄先生最初对Scrubber 50 Pro持保留意见,因为他担心机器人会与患者和工作人员发生碰撞。还有人担心机器人湿洗会留下水渍,从而可能引发滑倒和摔倒的风险。

然而,Scrubber 50 Pro的成功表现消除了医院的这些担忧。该机器人能够实时检测和避开障碍物,从而在动态环境中灵活、安全地运行。在擦洗地板的同时,Scrubber 50 Pro利用其吸尘器和刮水器同步干燥地板,确保地面上不留水渍。

日本环境管理公司董事总经理兼总经理Hirokazu Usami先生表示:

“我们认为Scrubber 50 Pro是一种安全可靠的清洁解决方案。医院工作人员告诉我们,当机器人在进行清洁时,他们完全不担心。”


Optimized Workforce Allocation

After introducing the robot, the cleaning team could free up a significant amount time for four staffs from cleaning the floors, and reallocate the saved time to other cleaning tasks that require finer skills and efforts. This leads to a higher level of efficiency and quality in hospital cleaning. It also minimizes overtime and promotes a well-planned schedule, ensuring high-quality results and a healthy work-life balance for cleaning staff.

Ms. Miki Owada, the cleaning staff from Nihon Environment Management Co., said:

“The introduction of the Scrubber 50 Pro has allowed us to spend more time on other tasks, such as cleaning the handrails and the elbow rests on the sofa. We can now take more time for cleaning such places carefully.”


Instead of replacing human workers, robotic solutions can work in harmony with people and create better job satisfaction. They can take over some of the more physically demanding tasks, such as floor cleaning, which can help reduce the physical strain on human staff.

With a robotic cleaner, cleaning staff can spend more time on tasks that require a human touch, such as dusting and wiping surfaces, and less time on routine tasks. This increases their work efficiency and makes their workday more productive. It also helps maintain a well-organized work schedule, so that overtime is kept to a minimum and cleaning staff are able to perform at their best.



About Gausium

Gausium is a leading company of AI-powered autonomous cleaning and service robots with more than 4,000 successful deployments in 50 countries and regions. Currently, Gausium’s products and services include commercial floor cleaning robots, indoor delivery robots and supplementary accessories like docking stations, cloud platform and application software.